Frequently Asked Questions

How frequently should I schedule a session?

Some people may benefit from once weekly or once monthly. Or, just come see us as needed!

How long do the benefits last?

Benefits can be noted from a few hours up to a few days.

Is there a specific age requirement?

We welcome all ages 15 years and older. Client’s under 18 must have parental consent.

Will it hurt?

Most people find the process painless, although there may be minor discomfort when inserting the IV.

Is this confidential?

Of course! We respect your privacy and do not share our client’s information with anyone.

Are there any side effects?

Side effects are rare. Some people bruise more easily than others, therefore it is possible to get a small bruise at injection site.

How long does an appointment last?

For your first appointment, we will take a few minutes to go over a few forms and answer any questions you might have. The injection is about 15 minutes and infusion itself will take less than one hour.