Vitamin Information

  • Glutathione – powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage. Anti-aging properties and immune system support.
  • Magnesium – Essential nutrient for overall health! Supports muscle, bone, nerve function and energy production.
  • Thiamine (B1) – Converts carbohydrates into energy.
  • Biotin (B7)- Helps metabolize carbs, fats, and amino acids for energy use.  Helps lower cholesterol.
  • Calcium Glucanate – Strengthens bones and maintains health health.
  • Zinc – Vital for maintaining a healthy immune system and assists in wound healing.
  • Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) – Partners with Zinc to boost immunity.  Also an excellent antioxidant.
  • Amino Blend-  Improves bone and muscle strength and assists in recovery.
  • Mineral Blend (MagnesiumCL, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Selenium) – Higher function of nervous system, behavior, memory and learning. Immune defense. Wound healing. 
  • Vita- Complex (Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6)
  • Vitamin D – Strengthen bones, elevate mood and maintain a healthy heart.
  • Lipotropic Agents – help blast fat, suppress appetite and increase energy.
  • Taurine – An amino acid that supports digestive function, boosts energy production and exercise performance