It’s a daunting thought… Getting a poke in the arm for an IV when I am NOT sick. Why would anyone CHOOSE such a thing? The truth of the matter is is that we can all feel better. Even the healthier ones in the population have days, maybe weeks or months, of feeling sluggish and just not themselves. And that is where an IV infusion and/or injection can help so much!! It may be exactly what you need to get back on track to your best health. Maybe you had Covid or the Flu and are struggling to get over it. Maybe you fell off the wagon of health one weekend and are feeling the effects come Monday. Maybe your kids brought home the GI bug and the energy levels are at an all time low. Maybe you have been planning a trip for the last year and members of your family are beginning to sniffle and cough. Maybe you are about to perform in the longest or most difficult race/event of your life. Why not prep your body for the stress it is about to endure?

Whatever the reason may be, an infusion from Vitality Wellness can be an easy and quick solution. Here are some of the potential benefits of IV Vitamins and Minerals:

  1. Enhanced nutrient absorption: IV vitamin therapy bypasses the digestive system and delivers nutrients directly to the bloodstream. This means that the body can absorb a higher concentration of vitamins and minerals than it would through oral supplements.
  2. Improved energy levels: IV vitamin therapy may help boost energy levels, reduce fatigue, and improve overall vitality.
  3. Immune system support: Certain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C and zinc, are important for immune system function. IV vitamin therapy can provide a quick and effective way to boost immune function.
  4. Faster recovery from illness or injury: IV vitamin therapy may help speed up recovery time from illness or injury by providing the body with the nutrients it needs to heal and regenerate.
  5. Improved skin health: IV vitamin therapy may improve skin health by providing essential vitamins and minerals that support collagen production and reduce oxidative stress. Vitality Wellness offers beauty concoction (The Fountain) and an antioxidant called glutathione to specifically help with this. Levels of glutathione naturally go down with age but yet remains vital in every cell of our body.

Why not feel better TODAY! Life is too short to keep waiting for tomorrow to feel better. Come see us at Vitality Wellness!